Creation ~ Marketing ~ Publishing

Author: Greg Dixon (Page 3 of 3)

Your Book Journey With Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon

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Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon talk about what they mean by a Book Journey and how it could look for Your Book Journey.

Betty and Greg can help you with your book from idea to publishing and marketing by either teaching you the steps or by working with you.

Typical Book Journey

  • You decide you want to write a book.
  • Brainstorm topics and themes for a book.
  • Brainstorm titles and descriptions.
  • Collect ideas for the book content.
  • Create an outline.
  • Expand the outline.
  • Developmental Editing
  • Copy Editing
  • Proofreading.
  • Formatting.
  • Final reviews and edits.
  • Submit for publishing
  • Marketing (which we will encourage you to start at the beginning of the book journey).

Your book journey may look a little different, though these are the main steps.

Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon can help you with your book journey from where you are in the process now.

Maybe you are at step one or you could be ready for editing and formatting,

Let’s discuss.

Book Journey Offers

Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon can help you in various ways, including a retainer to take the journey with you.

Publishing Sales Machine

A great path for you could be their Publishing Sales Machine where they combine creating a book, a continuity program, and sales during the development process.

The main idea is that the content that would go into a book can also go into an online course or program as well as be used for marketing to boost your authority and attract clients and sales.

Betty and Greg offer a low-cost workshop program as well as a personal retainer.

Copywriting and Multimedia Marketing for Your Creative Abundance

Both Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon have done a lot of writing for an amazing range of projects. Whatever is needed to get the job done.

Betty’s niche of choice is helping writers create their books and longer-form writing projects.

Greg has a lot of experience with various kinds of copywriting for training and marketing.

Betty Withrow often says that the time to start marketing your book is when you decide to start writing it.

The same is true of courses, memberships, and other creations.


While almost everything humans create and communicate involves words (writing), the kinds of copywriting we do include:

  • Blog Posts
  • Emails
  • Newsletters
  • Social Media Posts
  • Presentations
  • Networking Introductions
  • Training
  • Demonstrations
  • Product Descriptions
  • Landing Pages
  • Video Scripts
  • Chat Scripts
  • Songs
  • Audio Books

Multimedia Components

With the exception of text-only emails, virtually all writing for marketing is combined with media such as an image, video, or audio.

Text and media work together for the greatest impact.

Even blog posts like this use an image to display when shared on social media.

Integrated Marketing

Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon include copywriting and multimedia with the projects we do for clients.

Greg Dixon offers two comprehensive retainers.

One is a monthly retainer to do whatever is needed for your success until cancelled. That could include the Golden Publishing Sales Machine.

The other is a one-and-done deal to implement something like the Publishing Cash Machine one time.

Five Steps To Flow: A Simple System To Put Your Book Together

Betty Withrow presents Five Steps to Flow to get you on the way to writing and publishing your book. Steps to writing your book.

The 30-minute will be live at 1 pm, Monday, September 18th. Watch it live or in replay here:

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Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon offer a small group workshop series that takes you from idea through writing, editing, publishing, and marketing your book over four months.

They also offer a Complete Book Writing and Publishing Retainer if you prefer to work one one-on-one with them on your schedule.

Your Complete Book Journey ~ Writing and Publishing Retainer

Where are you in your book writing and publishing journey?

Still pondering ideas and titles?

Have notes and perhaps an outline?

Do you have a fairly complete outline completed?

You have a draft ready for editing and moving to the next step?

Do you have more than one book in mind and are pondering which book to complete first?

We Have You Covered!

Our Complete Book Journey Publishing Retainer can take your books from ideas to books in the hands of readers.

We meet with you weekly to discuss where you are at and the next steps.

We encourage you, offer writing support, provide editing and formatting, and help design a cover and get the book published.

Your Book Journey with Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon

Here is what the journey looks like working with us.

  • Meet with you to explore where you are at with your writing, where you want to go, and what you want to get out of writing one or more books.
  • Create a set of shared folders on Google Drive for collaborating on brainstorming, idea collection, writing, editing, and formatting.
  • Meet weekly to discuss where we can help and the next steps.
  • Collaborate on more than one outline that will grow into the book. We will provide a template with all of the usual sections that go into a book.
  • We provide writing support and editing as we build out the manuscript.
  • At some point, we will move from writing to an editing and review phase.
  • We format and provide review copies in PDF and ePub formats to get feedback from other people.
  • When ready, we help you submit to Amazon Direct Publishing or a platform of your choice such as Ingram Sparks and Book Baby.
  • Greg Dixon will provide a Digital Experience Edition ~ A multimedia portal containing one or more books in various formats, plus related images, articles, audio, and video.
  • We can help you approach book agents and publishers if you want a traditional publisher instead of self-publishing.
  • All along, we encourage and support you to premarket your book through various marketing strategies including building a list of people to send excerpts and invite to the book launch.

How Long Does The Process Take?

The time frame depends on where you are at in book development, how complex the book is, and how much time you have for the project.

Betty Withrow’s ghostwriting and coaching projects often take from eight to ten months.

A book project starting with a solid outline could be done in three months or less.

We are very flexible and can work at your pace. If you need to take a break from the project, we can pause the retainer and resume later. tack Or we can move fast to get it done.

Your Complete Book Journey ~ Light Retainer

This is our most affordable offer and perfect if you are comfortable writing and plan to do most of the writing yourself.

Here is what you get:

  • A writing and publishing roadmap customized for your publishing goals.
  • Folders and templates on Google Drive for writing, review, collaboration, editing, and basic formatting.
  • Weekly meetings to review progress and discuss next steps.
  • Light writing coaching and support. We will write some bridge content where appropriate, though you will do the majority of the writing.
    Betty Withrow offers full ghostwriting services if needed.
  • Editing rounds when the writing is complete.
  • Manuscript formatting with review copies.
  • Manuscript submission.
  • Prelaunch, launch, and ongoing marketing support.
  • Digital Experience Edition ~ A multimedia portal containing one or more books in various formats, plus related images, articles, audio, and video.

$540 per month for as long as you want our support for one or more books.

Standard Retainer

The Standard Retainer includes everything in the Light Retainer, plus:

  • The domain name and website for the book promotion and launch.
  • More writing support.
  • More support for blogging and social media posts, including video clips.

$1080 per month for as long as you want our support for one or more books.

Life Vault Publishing ~ Preserve and Show Everything Important

A Life Vault is a multimedia repository that can contain almost everything that is important to preserve and share.

Greg Dixon uses Kartra Memberships to organize and present the content.

Access can range from public to restricted to certain members, to highly secured for personal information such as legal documents.

Some of the things that can go into a Life Vault include:

  • eBooks
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Articles
  • Audio files
  • File downloads
  • More …

The Rocket Norton Vault

Rocket Norton Vault

The Rocket Norton Vault contains most of Rocket Norton’s creative output for his life so far. See the section at

Here is a tour of the Rocket Norton Vault.

Learn more about the benefit concert at

What to do want in your Life Vault?

Multimedia Story Productions for Personal, Family, Community, and Business

Greg Dixon has been creating multimedia story production for decades, including:

  • Montages of photos, videos, music, and text for weddings, memorials, and other life milestones.
  • Personal journeys stories.
  • Organization stories and history articles and video productions.
  • Family history and stories.
  • Books
  • Memory boxes with USB drives.
  • Personal and family history websites.
  • Life Vaults

Every project tends to be unique.

What stories do you want to preserve and share?

Development and Launch Packages for Your Book

We provide a complete range of book development, publishing, and launch marketing packages to get your book launched in the world.

You can jump in at the beginning or at any point in your book journey.

Your Complete Book Journey Publishing Retainer

We offer a number of packages to handle each of the main phases of your book production journey. Continue to read down this page to learn about those packages.

Our best offer is a monthly retainer designed to take you from wherever you are in your book journey through to the publishing, launch, and marketing of your books for as long as you want to write and publish books.

The retainer includes all of the services listed in the packages delivered over a time frame that works for you.

Starter Package

We meet with you do plan your book development and create a space for you to work and collaborate with us in Google Drive.

The package includes:

  • Planning
  • Roadmap
  • Book Outline (that will develop into the finished book. You can copy to make versions)
  • Place for notes


Writing Development Package

Betty Withrow will work with you as a writing coach and we will help get the writing of your book done.

The package includes support for two months to gain momentum, keep you on track, and develop your book.

Clarity | Focus | Momentum

Your book could take more time to complete.

$800 – $1800

Manuscript Preparation Package

We work with you to make sure all of the components that go into a published book are prepared and edited.

This includes three rounds of editing and review to ensure the book is ready for the next step.

$800 – $1800

Formatting and Launch Package

Now that the writing is done, we get the book formatted and launched.


  • Book formatting for print and eBook.
  • Cover design
  • Uploading and publishing

This package assumes publishing with Amazon Direct Publishing using your Amazon account, with you reviewing the settings and pushing the submit button.

Alternatives include submitting to platforms like Ingram Sparks and Book Baby.

Note: Submitting to a traditional publishing house is something we can discuss if that is the best publishing path for your book.

$800 – $1800

Book Launch Marketing Roadmap

We often say the time to start marketing your book is the day you start writing it.

We can outline a strategy and roadmap for that.


Book Launch Marketing Package

We can help you implement a comprehensive marketing campaign, including:

  • Content for blog posts, social media, and video to create buzz for your book.
  • Landing pages with optin to get launch notices.
  • Book sales page
  • Help with the launch party.
  • Post-launch strategies to keep the momentum going.

$800 – $1600

Your Book Journey From Idea To Launch

Your Book Journey

August 14th Broadcast

Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon can help you take your book from notion to launch.

They can help you every step of the way through the process. If needed, they can recommend specialists to help in specific areas.

This article takes you through the journey that most books take.

Your book may be at the very beginning step.

Or it may be a few steps away from publishing.

Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon can help take you from where you are today to where you want to go.

What Do You Want To Get Out of It?

One of the first questions we ask when discussing your book, is what you want to get out of writing a book.

Some of the following may apply to you:

  • You Want To Write A Book To Simply Write A Book.
    You simply want to create something and go through the creative process of writing a book.
    Often that is the best only reason you will ever need. Simply enjoying the process and finishing is a success.
  • You Have Stories To Tell.
  • You Have Wisdom and Skills to Teach.
  • You Want to Enlighten The World.
  • You Want to Change The World.
  • You Want Influence and Authority.
  • You Want A Lead Magnet
  • Another Calling …

You may not know why you are feeling compelled to write a book and that is okay.

Writing and creating is a human gift and simply taking the writing journey is reason enough.

The true reason may not be clear until you have finished.

Or the reason is clear to you now, which will help clarify the choices you plan on your writing and publishing journey.

Your Book Ideas

Do you know what you want your book to be about?

What titles do you have in mind?

Do you have many ideas and possible titles in mind?

Write them all down.


Brainstorm you ideas, capture them for building a process. 

You can carry index cards with you, speak into your phone, jot them down in a notebook, or whatever system that appeals to you.  

Set a time each day to sit with your idea and gather more ideas. 

When you begin to build the creative habit, it becomes easier to get the flow going.


Put your notes together and see what common threads appear.  Find themes that you want to develop.


Outlining is a fabulous tool to plan and expand your book (or plans for almost anything).

Think of the arc of meaning that you want your book to encompass.  

Find a beginning, middle, and end to the topic and put together a series of chapter headings that outline your topics.  

This will be used to give your book a coherent structure and make a creative flow appear naturally as you get clear about exactly what you want to present.  

The outline is like the skeleton of the human body, holding up the muscles of the meaning and the flow of energetic feeling that makes the book have a life of its own.

Google Drive Folders

With Google Drive, it is simple to share information among people on the team and collaborate effectively in real-time.  

Topics, media, chapter materials, each can have its own place in a system built to serve your exact needs.

Author Coaching

Many people find that having a writing coach is good for developing the content of the book, gaining more depth in what is being presented through guidance and focused questions that build the creative momentum.

Betty is experienced in this and finds that when people get focused clarity, the momentum of writing is greatly enhanced.  

Often people do not realize how much knowledge they have to offer the world.  

Gain a perspective that can broaden the appeal of your book and make it more useful for your business application, so you can make the most of your book project.

For fiction, Betty can support character and plot definition, clarify questions about the voice and tone of the book, and give support to make the plot line flow smoothly.


For those who don’t have the time to write a book, Betty will work with you to make your book appear with your own voice and showing your expertise to the world.  

Through recorded interviews and collaboration on outlining, themes, and more, Betty’s process will make it simple and easy for you to accomplish your goal of having a book that establishes your authority and brings you the benefits of having your knowledge and experience highlighted for the world to see.

Developmental Editing

An effective editing process is crucial to the success of a book, making it readable and engaging.  Ideas that need to be expressed fully will be brought to your attention and Betty will ask you specific and detailed questions so that you can add depth to your presentation.  

Syntax, flow of ideas, fundamentals of grammar structure, all of these contribute to making your book enjoyable to your reader.  

The goal is to have every idea flow seamlessly into the next, fostering thoughtful reflection and engagement so that your information is simple and easy for your audience to understand and absorb.

Manuscript Preparation

We conduct a careful review of the words and spelling in your book along with a review of the flow of information and copy correction makes your book manuscript reflect your professional approach to your work.

Book Formatting

Greg will format your book using modern software that gives a polished appearance to every page.  

Table of contents, footnotes, other additions to the book, all are put into pages that are pleasing in  layout and draw in the reader. 

You will have different formatting options for different types of platforms.

Cover Design

What kind of cover do you want to have?  

We offer several options at different pricing levels to suit your book’s purpose and your budget.


Uploads to online platforms like Amazon, IngramSpark, Lulu, BookBaby, ….  

We will also discuss the route to getting a traditional book publisher if that is your goal.


Unless you are writing the book for the sheer joy of writing it, you will want to run a book launch with marketing buzz, press releases, and other actions to launch your book.

We can help with that.


Betty Withrow Greg Dixon offer a full range of marketing services that could be applied to your book launch and promotion.


The content of your book can be repurposed as online courses, podcasts, blog posts, social media posts, and more.

Our Service Packages

Here are our book publishing services and packages.

Book Writing

We work with you to go from idea to completing the book.

Book Publishing

We provided editing, formatting, and publishing services to get your book launched.

Book Marketing

We help you get your book in front of readers.

Book Repurposing

We help leverage your book for a wide range of media outlets.

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