Dr. Barnsley Brown, Bold, Badass Business Maven, invited me on her Bold Badass Business Show to talk about “Why Your Online Presence Sucks and How to Fix That”.
While your online presence may not completely suck, there is likely room for improvement.
Here is an exercise to do a self-assessment.
Review Your Online Presence As Though You Were A Potential Client
Put on your visitor hat and look honestly at your online presence.
Here are some things to look for:
- Do you appear in Searches when you search for your name?
- Do you appear in searches for the type of products and services that you offer now?
- Do the services appearing in searches reflect what you are doing now?
- Would you click on the link?
- Do your LinkedIn and other social media profiles present you and what you do magnetically.
- Are your profiles up to date with what you are doing now?
- Is your website up to date?
- Is the messaging across the platforms coherent?
- Do you clarify what you offer and how to purchase your goods and services?
I create a free online assessment for Total Traffic and Conversion.
Your Customer Journey?
Do all of the steps presented online make it easy for people to make an appointment with you, learn about your offers, sign up for your mailing list, purchase your offers, or otherwise become part of your sales process?
Walk through all of the steps on the customer journey and note all the missing parts and potholes along the way that are costing you credibility and customers.
I am offering a free personal review.
How to Improve Your Online Presence
Seeing that you have a problem is the first step.
Here are the broad strokes:
- Make sure you have clarity for your ideal client and what you offer.
- Have coherent messaging across all of your online assets, including social media profiles, websites, YouTube channels, email, and marketing.
- Make your customer journey smooth.
- Do more content marketing with an offer link in every piece of content.
- Design marketing strategies and implementations.
How Greg Dixon and Shared Visions Unlimited Can Help
Here are ways Greg Dixon can help:
- Help clarify your mission and goals.
- Review your business goals and make recommendations for improving your online presence to achieve your goals.
- Create a Success Plan customized for you.
- Help improve your online presence.
- Create videos, articles, posts, books, courses, and other assets.
- Design and build marketing funnels to create an amazing customer journey for your clients.
How Dr. Barnsley Brown Can Help
As a presenter, coach, and President of Spirited Solutions™, Dr. Barnsley gives you wings to soar, personally and professionally.
She’s a member of numerous organizations including the National Speakers Association and the American Society of Training and Development.
She holds the highest level of training in the Reiki Method of Natural Stress Relief and has taught this system to thousands of people across the globe. Her poems, articles, and work have been featured in many newspapers, journals, and other publications and she is a frequent radio guest.
Check out her Badass Business Coaching