My Golden Publishing Sales Machine is for you or someone you know who has or has considered a book, online course, or membership program.
The approach is designed to leverage your Golden Content by publishing marketing everywhere as well as generating sales early in the process to validate the market and create cash flow.
Here is what I cover:
- My Multimedia Publishing and Marketing Background
- Common Problems With Sales for Courses and Books
- Leveraging Your Golden Content
- Publishing Everywhere In Multiple Formats
- Creating Your Golden Offer
- Using Golden Marketing to Make Sales.
My Golden Offer
Let’s review what you have in the way of Golden Content and implement a Golden Publishing Sales Machine for you.
I have a moderate cost retainer to cover planning, development, launch, and marketing.
I will also entertain revenue-sharing options to be a partner in your success.
Broadcast Transcript
Hello, my name is Greg Dixon, your Chief Enabler for Shared Visions Unlimited Publishing and Marketing.
Today, I’m going to talk about my best offer here, which is Your Golden Publishing Sales Machine.
Multimedia Publishing and Marketing
I’m going to give you some background about Multimedia Publishing and Marketing.
I started doing this in the mid-1990s, publishing things in various formats and also marketing and selling things in different ways ~ courses, concert tickets, all sorts of things.
So in a way, the Publishing Sales Machine has evolved out of that work.
So one of the things, recently, we’ve been dealing with people who are course creators or authors of books.
Betty Withrow and I helped many authors launch their books last year. We also work with course creators.
Challenges with Sales
There are some challenges that people have with selling books and courses.
Quite a few people have maybe spent months, sometimes years, getting their books ready to publish. And then they finally get them up on Amazon and IngramSpark or wherever it is.
If they’ve gone through some kind of publishing company, they may not even have control over the publishing and they don’t know if there are any sales and they don’t see any money.
And course creators too, people can spend months and sometimes years putting together an online course, get it all ready, get it, make, and launch it.
And then crickets.
Nobody wants it.
They can check it off their list. They’ve completed the course, they’ve launched it, made it available for sale, but nobody buys it.
In both cases, somebody writing the book and somebody writing the online course could have spent thousands of dollars for other people to help them. And they also could have spent thousands of dollars of their own time developing it for it to go nowhere.
That’s one of the things I’m trying to avoid.
It’s not easy.
And I just have to say, some people put up a book and then it goes viral. They get tons of sales, they get invitations to speak, it works out.
A lot of it is to do to their own marketing and publicity that they do before, same with online courses.
There are lots of success stories with online courses. It’s just not guaranteed. Just because you create a book or you create a course, it doesn’t mean you’re going to get sales.
So those are some of the sales challenges.
Your Golden Content
You may be in the category, maybe you haven’t tried writing a book yet and you haven’t tried creating an online course. So this is all kind of new to you.
But you’re thinking you might want to and you may have your Golden Content in the form of little articles, blog posts, YouTube videos, or things that you’ve created over the years.
You have it out on your media channels and all of that can be Your Golden Content.
You’ve advised people on your topic.
I tend to get up and I do a broadcast on StreamYard and I’ll share about how to use a phone for doing interviews or something like that, any of those kinds of things.
All of that stuff adds up over the years.
You’ve got lots of golden content.
And so one of the things I’m inviting you to do is think about it and contact me and talk about how we can organize all of that and create one or more books or one or more online courses and membership sites and that kind of thing.
That is what I mean by Your Golden Content.
Publish Everywhere
And then publish everywhere. So I’ve been doing websites. I have published stuff on websites for a long time, blog posts.
I’ve also pushed out tons and tons of video. I’ve done my 10,000 hours of video over the years. All sorts of projects, community projects, church projects, live broadcasts, interviews, all that kind of stuff.
Anything related to videos, I’ve done.
I’ve done some questionable-style music videos with some friends. One of them is called My Baby’s Going to Jail for Christmas. The other one is If Mama Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy.
And I’ve also put things out into audio format through CD Baby.
And I’ve recently started doing a live podcast. I’m broadcasting out to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio, and all those other podcast platforms.
And we have a couple of book clients who are looking at doing audible versions for people to purchase an audible version of their whole book.
Once you have your content, it’s relatively easy.
If you can take your content and create a plan for it, like a table of contents or outline, and then create it, and then from there, once you have that, then that’s a lot of material to go out in all of these platforms.
Generally, I like recording things as video and putting it out in video format. And then once you’ve got the video, you can also do the audio for it. And text versions, of course, all of that stuff.
If I’m creating a membership site or an online course, I like to cater to most learning styles. Some people like watching videos, some people like listening to them, some people like reading the text, and some appreciate doing exercises.
So we can combine all of those things into what I call a Digital Experience Edition, which could be considered an online digital book, digital magazine, online course, online membership, all those kinds of things in one.
Your content gets published everywhere.
Your Golden Offer
And the next thing I want to talk about is your golden offer.
The reality is that it’s pretty easy to sell something that somebody wants.
If you have a solution to a problem, you can sell it.
I’m just going to make something up:
If you can get your spouse not to snore at night, so you can have a good night’s sleep, or you can help with behaviour problems, or even something simple like get your loved ones to not overeat and lead towards diabetes or whatever it is, whatever it is, and it could be simple, or it could be complex.
What I’m offering today is to work with you to figure out a way of packaging it, and pricing it, so that anybody who finds out about the offer just can’t really can’t resist buying it.
That is Your Golden Offer.
If you’ve got the right thing and put it in front of the right people for the right price, you can get sales.
Golden Marketing
So the next one here is the golden marketing.
I’ve been at this game for a long time, and I’ve developed some pretty interesting strategies. I follow the Dan Kennedy model of magnetic marketing:
Your offer | your message | media
The message, more or less, is the same for all media, but you just get it out everywhere.
So that could include social media posts, blog posts, YouTube channels, YouTube reels and shorts out to TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, whatever it is that you like to use. I’m set up to put things out to 10 different platforms, multiple Facebook groups, and LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.
I’ll help you expand so that you have multiple channels. You may have a few favourite ones that really work. I’m just going to suggest that you continue with those, but add a few more.
That’s one of the reasons I added podcasting to what I do is that reaches out through syndicates out through places, a ton of different places.
So your message gets exposed in different places. And podcasting has the ability for people to subscribe. And so they get notices when you put new things out.
So you can, if you find something that people want, you can go viral with that.
That’s Your Golden Marketing.
We’ll try pretty comprehensive strategies.
And I must mention email as that’s a major marketing tool.
If you don’t already have a mailing list, we’ll do things to build a mailing list and get the word out. And that’s one of the best, most effective ways for sales. If I’ve put out an email with something that people want, I can see the traffic that people go to the page, I can measure it.
The other thing is some paid advertising. If you can find something that people want, you have to have that Golden Offer, and then you send them to a convincing page. Paid marketing can work well and fast.
I’ve had a lot of success with boosts for concert tickets and theatre productions.
And, again, it’s just easy if there’s a big market of people who want that. They just have to learn about it and you have to send them to a page where it’s easy for them to sign up for it.
That’s pretty easy, easy peasy.
The next steps are about sales.
If you have an offer, you have the right place, you get the right people on there, you can make sales.
An important part of this Publishing Sales Machine is we get you to start making sales very early in the process.
So rather than wait six months or a year until everything’s all done, I’ll encourage you to do things in an incremental way, which, for example, if you’re doing a course, consider doing it as a membership where people pay a monthly fee for it and you’re cranking out new content regularly.
Maybe you have a live class you’re doing once a week, you do the presentation and the video and the show notes and everything else goes into a membership site and it keeps on going.
You just have to keep ahead of your students.
I think one of the problems that people have with teaching things is they overwhelm, they create too much.
There was a notion that if you give them a hundred things, that might be good. But sometimes four or five real nuggets, real golden gems for people to grab onto, people will grab that and they’ll pay for it.
if you have an offer, something you can offer that solves a problem and they can get that problem solved in an hour or two hours, they’ll pay money for it, whereas they might not pay for something that’s got two years worth of your work put into it.
It’s one of those things.
The other thing with this is by offering it right away you you’ve got a pretty good idea of the sales potential.
For one, if you don’t get anybody to buy it, if you offer something for some outrageous opening special to sign up for $10 and you can’t get people to buy it at $10, then you have to go back and consider that you may not be making a golden offer, you may not be offering the right thing.
So maybe either you have to adjust what it is you’re offering or how the offer is presented.
Membership Program
The other thing is in a membership program, you get people in and they’re giving you feedback. They’re telling you what they need to know and what they’re looking for. Because sometimes we think we know what people need and we have an idea about what we want to teach.
But when people come in, they’ll say, ‘oh, geez, OK, yeah, that’s really good. That’s really good. But what I really want to know about is about X. ‘
And sometimes that X is something you’ve just done routinely for years and years and years. You’ve never even thought about it. You never even appreciated how special that was.
When you get somebody who’s missing that and you can provide it, that can make a big deal. I was recently in a Dave Dee mastermind with a person who had been in the mastermind for quite a few years. Dave Dee had casually said, give a good name for your offer and your conversions will increase.
She said, ‘yeah, I’d heard you say that, but I never really understood it. ‘
‘But we tried it. We changed the name of our offer. The only thing we did was give it a more catchy name. And we went from a few people being interested in their calendars filled with people wanting to know more. ‘
Little things like that. You may have that magic sauce that people can learn and it doesn’t take that much to teach it to them.
If you have something special to offer, you have something of an obligation to offer it.
The Golden Publishing Sales Machine can be the Golden Ticket for doing that because I’ll help you organize your material and get something that helps people ready to go and ready to sell quickly.
So you’re not spending months or years figuring out if this is ever going to be popular or not. And it’s better to know better to know soon that you’re not going to find a market for something.
Yeah. Yeah. Some things take time.
You have to persist in it and keep going.
But other things, if you’re you already think you’re connected to the people who would want it and you’re and you put it out there and they don’t commit to even looking at it, then then then you might have to reconsider what you’re doing.
My Golden Offer
My Golden Offer is really to talk to you about what you have, like where we’ll review all of your golden content, what you know, what you have, who you want to serve, and how you see this going out.
I’ll make some suggestions and we’ll and we’ll try working on that right away.
And my invitation is to have a conversation with me.
I have a low-cost retainer that I can use to work out all the stuff, work out the deal details, outline the program, do the marketing, and do all of that stuff over time.
If you got everything ready, ready to go, you know, more or less, we’re just trying to change the format and launch it can probably be done within a month.
Sometimes, if you need more help writing the book, developing the book, and developing the course, then that could be over many months.
I have a reasonably priced retainer for that.
And if you have something really special that it’s pretty obvious that if we get it put into place and we can get sales for it, I could implement the Golden Publishing Sales Machine with you on a pure commission basis.
We would arrange to I would do the implementation of the book and the course and all of that and do the marketing in return for a percentage of the sales.
We’ll have to look at that and figure out the best win-win way of moving forward.
All those things are possible.
And it all starts with a conversation about where you’re at, where you want to go.