Dr. Barnsley Brown, Bold, Badass Business Maven, invited me on her Bold Badass Business Show to talk about “Why Your Online Presence Sucks and How to Fix That”.
Do all of the steps presented online make it easy for people to make an appointment with you, learn about your offers, sign up for your mailing list, purchase your offers, or otherwise become part of your sales process?
Walk through all of the steps on the customer journey and note all the missing parts and potholes along the way that are costing you credibility and customers.
As a presenter, coach, and President of Spirited Solutions™, Dr. Barnsley gives you wings to soar, personally and professionally.
She’s a member of numerous organizations including the National Speakers Association and the American Society of Training and Development.
She holds the highest level of training in the Reiki Method of Natural Stress Relief and has taught this system to thousands of people across the globe. Her poems, articles, and work have been featured in many newspapers, journals, and other publications and she is a frequent radio guest.