The first thing I do with a client project is create a set of Google Drive folders.

Google drive is great for story productions because all family members can upload the photos, videos, and documents they have.

This is a good idea if only for the purpose of having a safe place to store the digital assets.

I also use an AI tool ClarityScribe to transcribe the video and create various descriptions of the content that can be used in Story Productions.

The folders are also a good place to put scanned images and raw recordings from smartphones, StreamYard Studio, or Zoom recordings.

I suggest organizing the Google Drive folders into subfolders with names that make it easy to find what you need.

The Google Drive folders are also a good place to store the books, videos, and other assets of Story Productions.

Here are ways that I can help:

  • Join the Family Story Challenge and download a copy of The Four Steps For Publishing Family Stories at
  • Purchase the Shared Visions Golden Publishing Kit using the same link. All of the challenge trainings will go in there to augment publishing resources already there.
  • Retain me to help you with all of the steps of your Story Productions.