A key component to all of my publishing and marketing strategies is a high-performing, search-engine-optimized website to serve as a hub for your marketing efforts.
A website is also a great way to share stories, multimedia productions, and special offers.
I will create a website for you, optimized for what you are doing.
For Authors
Here is what an Author Website can do for writers:
Provide information about you and your books.
Offer your books and related products for sale.
Get invitations to speak on podcasts and stages.
Publish excerpts to attract people to you and your books.
For Speakers
A Speaker Website is designed to get speaking gigs for you.
Most will like an Author Website plus the following elements:
Speaker Sizzle Reel.
Key Speaker Topics.
Speaker Booking Forms.
For Storytellers
A website is a great platform for sharing personal, family, and business stories.
For Artists
One of the first websites I created in the 1990’s was the Shared Visions Gallery, which let me to create websites for artists and galleries.
Here are the key parts of an Artist Website:
You artist bio.
Beautiful presentations of your art.
Lists of galleries where your art can be seen.
Ways to buy your art.
Attract invitations to exhibit to exhibit your art.
Invitations to do commissions.
Special Offer
Here is my special offer to create a branded website designed for what you want to accomplish with the site.
Here is the process:
We meet to discuss your goals.
I register a domain and create a WordPress website branded to match your style and goals.
I register the website with Google Search Console to get your site found in searches,
Greg Dixon set up a website at https://allmyrelationsbook.com/ for writing and publishing the content for the book as part of his publishing adventure.
I register a domain name and create a WordPress website on Cloudways.
The home page will introduce the book and provide a working table of contents.
Writing and Publishing Chapters
Over time, I will write the chapters in Google Drive and publish as blog posts on the website.
More steps coming as the project progresses.
Do You Want to Join the Adventure?
You are welcome to follow along with what I am doing online with your own book project.
If you want my help with creating the Google Drive folders, setting up a website, and cheering you through the process, sign up for my most affordable retainer at $88 per month. I provide everything you need.
Emphasizing the Unlimited part of Shared Visions Unlimited Publishing, I encourage and help you to publish your book in multiple formats on multiple platforms, including:
Printed Book and eBook through Amazon and IngramSpark Put your book out far and wide forever and possibly make some money.
FlipBook Easy distribution and support for multimedia elements. Help people, build authority, and increase influence.
Digital Experience Edition Secure multimedia portal for your book content and support material. Great potential for direct sales.
Audiobook A market for those who prefer to listen.
Video Versions Illustrated readings, training, …
Today, I suggest adding a blogging website to the mix and possibly starting by writing and publishing your book on a blogging website.
Why You Would Consider Publishing Your Book As A Website
This is for you if your reasons to write and publish a book are along these lines:
You have joy in the creating and writing process itself.
You have insights or stories you want to share with the world.
You want to increase your authority and influence.
You may want to use a book as a lead magnet for your products and services.
You want to engage your readers with your content and get feedback to improve the print book.
You collaborate with an editor or writing coach.
This is not for you if you are a perfectionist who wants everything perfect before sharing.
I build high-performing and search-engine-optimized WordPress sites for marketing and various other purposes. Here is why this approach can work for your book and why I am going to use this approach for my own books:
WordPress provides a great platform for writing and collaborating on posts and articles.
Attention to Search Engine Optimization and submitting to Google Search Console can boost your search presence.
The pages can have rich multimedia content and links to related resources.
WordPress provides a good search function for the site itself. This is fabulously useful.
The Google Translate plugin can translate the site instantly. I still think this isamazing! Check out the language selector at the bottom-right of this window.
You can invite feedback and comments for your content as you go.
Sharing to social media platforms is easy.
Linking back from social media platforms and YouTube is easy.
Writing Live and Testing Content
I have a few books in mind: The First Book of Lazy, All My Relations, Adventures in Moving, and The Golden Publishing Sales Machine.
I will create a website and start writing at least one of those books live soon.
Here is the plan:
Register a domain name with the working book title.
Create a website with key plugins, including Yoast SEO, Google Site Kit, and Ultimate Blocks.
Create a home page with a book description and a working outline of topics.
Write the first chapter.
Submit the site to Google Search Console for indexing.
Write a chapter regularly. I will aim for at least three a week.
Post a link to each chapter on social media.
Consider doing a broadcast for each chapter.
I use Grammarly to keep my writing somewhat under control!
If I get readers and interest, I will combine and publish in some or all formats such as a print book, eBook, flipbook, audiobook, and Digital Experience Edition.
At the very least, I will have fun writing and publishing the chapters:-)