I came across a Tree of Life mediation video on YouTube and realized that the image provides a visual representation of my approach to marketing.
A real tree is a true miracle of creation and life that transcends human description, including poetry and sacred texts. The discussion here is limited to symbolic analogies.
First, let me share my appreciation for the Tree of Life symbol, such as this Celtic-inspired AI image provided by satheeshsankaran on Pixabay.
The Roots
The roots connect with Earth and all life on Earth.
Years ago I visited the Theosophical Society Headquarters in Adyar, India. The centre has many original manuscripts and artifacts from all religions and philosophies in the world.
The had a tree in the garden that was a sapling from the Bodhi tree where Siddhartha achieved Enlightenment.
I sensed that the tree was still connected to the original tree through the earth and through a spiritual connection.
The roots in all trees help the tree withstand the weather, provide a base, and provide nutrients.
Marketing Analogy
The roots can be the base that sustains your business, including your education, experience, and your network of connections.
Your mailing list, professional connections, business systems, and support network all support you like the roots of a tree.
Build Strong Roots To Thrive.
The Trunk
The trunk in the Tree of Life represents Strength and Unity.
Marketing Analogy
You can see the trunk as representing you and your business. Your strengths. Your processes. Your unique offers.
The Branches and Leaves
The branches and leaves of a living tree reach out to collect energy from the sun and perform many gas exchanges and chemical processes that enable the tree to thrive.
And without the oxygen created by trees and plants, we would not be here.
Symbolically, the leaves and branches could represent reaching out for knowledge and experiences.
The tree branches can also represent past and future family relations or our evolutionary tree.
Marketing Analogy
The branches and leaves of the tree can represent the connections of you and your business to other people and businesses.
Also your public face and active marketing campaigns.
The 7 Essential Elements of Sales Success come into play here:
- Your Golden Offer
- Compelling Offer Presentation
- Effective Online Profiles
- Searchable Articles and Posts
- Contact Capture
- Engagement
- Expansion
Networking, advertising, speaking, and public relations are all ways to expand your reach into the world, like the branches and leaves of a tree.
The Golden Circle
The golden Celtic circle that unifies and connects all of the components of the tree in a continuous strand.
Perfection ~ Unity ~ Connection ~ Divinity ~ Flow
The perfect model for your life and business.
Greg Dixon can help you implement your Tree of Success.