Where are you in your book writing and publishing journey?

Still pondering ideas and titles?

Have notes and perhaps an outline?

Do you have a fairly complete outline completed?

You have a draft ready for editing and moving to the next step?

Do you have more than one book in mind and are pondering which book to complete first?

We Have You Covered!

Our Complete Book Journey Publishing Retainer can take your books from ideas to books in the hands of readers.

We meet with you weekly to discuss where you are at and the next steps.

We encourage you, offer writing support, provide editing and formatting, and help design a cover and get the book published.

Your Book Journey with Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon

Here is what the journey looks like working with us.

  • Meet with you to explore where you are at with your writing, where you want to go, and what you want to get out of writing one or more books.
  • Create a set of shared folders on Google Drive for collaborating on brainstorming, idea collection, writing, editing, and formatting.
  • Meet weekly to discuss where we can help and the next steps.
  • Collaborate on more than one outline that will grow into the book. We will provide a template with all of the usual sections that go into a book.
  • We provide writing support and editing as we build out the manuscript.
  • At some point, we will move from writing to an editing and review phase.
  • We format and provide review copies in PDF and ePub formats to get feedback from other people.
  • When ready, we help you submit to Amazon Direct Publishing or a platform of your choice such as Ingram Sparks and Book Baby.
  • Greg Dixon will provide a Digital Experience Edition ~ A multimedia portal containing one or more books in various formats, plus related images, articles, audio, and video.
  • We can help you approach book agents and publishers if you want a traditional publisher instead of self-publishing.
  • All along, we encourage and support you to premarket your book through various marketing strategies including building a list of people to send excerpts and invite to the book launch.

How Long Does The Process Take?

The time frame depends on where you are at in book development, how complex the book is, and how much time you have for the project.

Betty Withrow’s ghostwriting and coaching projects often take from eight to ten months.

A book project starting with a solid outline could be done in three months or less.

We are very flexible and can work at your pace. If you need to take a break from the project, we can pause the retainer and resume later. tack Or we can move fast to get it done.

Your Complete Book Journey ~ Light Retainer

This is our most affordable offer and perfect if you are comfortable writing and plan to do most of the writing yourself.

Here is what you get:

  • A writing and publishing roadmap customized for your publishing goals.
  • Folders and templates on Google Drive for writing, review, collaboration, editing, and basic formatting.
  • Weekly meetings to review progress and discuss next steps.
  • Light writing coaching and support. We will write some bridge content where appropriate, though you will do the majority of the writing.
    Betty Withrow offers full ghostwriting services if needed.
  • Editing rounds when the writing is complete.
  • Manuscript formatting with review copies.
  • Manuscript submission.
  • Prelaunch, launch, and ongoing marketing support.
  • Digital Experience Edition ~ A multimedia portal containing one or more books in various formats, plus related images, articles, audio, and video.

$540 per month for as long as you want our support for one or more books.

Standard Retainer

The Standard Retainer includes everything in the Light Retainer, plus:

  • The domain name and website for the book promotion and launch.
  • More writing support.
  • More support for blogging and social media posts, including video clips.

$1080 per month for as long as you want our support for one or more books.