My first idea for this article was to ask why you want to publish your books and stories.
Then I realized that many of you are not yet on your publishing journey ~ perhaps this is a new idea for you.
So here are some of the reasons why I want to publish your books and stories.
Sharing Your Gifts
As Marie Forleo says, the world needs your insights, knowledge and stories. Books and story productions are a great way to do that.
Clarity and Catharsis
The process of writing and publishing your books and stories can help you crystallize some ideas and provide rewarding insights for yourself.
Sometimes you simply need to get things out of your head onto paper.
Influence and Authority
A book and other media can establish you as the authority and attract people to your offers and open doors for speaking engagements.
Preserve and Share Legacy
Books and story productions are a great way to preserve and share personal and family stories.
I urge you to capture family stories while you still can.
Publishing Options
There are many free and near-free options for you to publish yourself.
Services like BookBaby can help you.
And Greg Dixon can help you with every step of the publishing journey from idea to publishing in many formats to promotion.