Help with Creation, Marketing, Publishing, and Story Productions

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How To Sell Books Published Through IngramSpark and Amazon KDP

Most authors who self-publish themselves or through a book consultant make few or no sales.

Part of the problem is that they upload the formatted files and covers to IngramSpark or Amazon KDP and expect sales to roll in without fully understanding how the books get sold.


IngramSpark is a great choice for many authors because it puts your book into a very large distribution channel including most book retailers, libraries, Apple Books and Amazon.

So. How do you sell your book through IngramSpark?

IngramSpark does not provide a way for your fans to buy your book directly through them.

You sell by doing one or all of the following:

  1. Buy print copies yourself and sell them.
  2. Take payments yourself and order the books from your author link to IngramSpark to be printed and delivered to the client by IngramSpark.
  3. Convince book retailers to order through IngramSpark and promote your books.
  4. Send them to Apple Books and Amazon to buy them.

The bottom line is:

No One Will Buy Your Books If You Don’t Market Them

And selling the books yourself may required and recommended. We can help with that.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Understanding how your books sell on Amazon is easier to understand.

  1. Upload your book.
  2. Send people to Amazon to buy printed books or Kindle books.
  3. Order copies to give away or sell in person.

Since IngramSpark submits to Amazon KDP, IngramSpark is a good way to get on Amazon and also have a wider distribution through the IngramSpark distribution network.

Our Book Journey Marketing Plan

Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon offer a Complete Book Journey service that takes a book through development, writing, editing, formatting, and publishing through IngramSpark, Amazon KDP, or a book publishing company if you can secure a publishing deal.

Our marketing plan includes:

  • Sales Landing Page.
  • Blog Posts.
  • Social Media Posts.
  • YouTube Support.
  • Book Brigade.
  • Publicity Strategy.

We can also help with the sales and drop-ship model that works well with IngramSpark.

They can also help with direct sales of a digital version of your book Greg Dixon calls a Digital Experience Edition.

The Digital Experience Edition

Greg Dixon creates a multimedia version of your book that includes the text as well as images, audio and video components that enrich the reader experience.

We can create a Digital Experience Edition of your book and make digital sales as soon as the final editing is completed and while the book is being formatted and submitted for publishing.

Generate sales AND create a buzz for the printed book

Let’s talk about what would work for your book ready to be published.

And a Digital Experience Edition may create some life and cash flow to books you have already published that are getting little or no sales.

Let’s talk about your books.

Your Book Journey With Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon

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Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon talk about what they mean by a Book Journey and how it could look for Your Book Journey.

Betty and Greg can help you with your book from idea to publishing and marketing by either teaching you the steps or by working with you.

Typical Book Journey

  • You decide you want to write a book.
  • Brainstorm topics and themes for a book.
  • Brainstorm titles and descriptions.
  • Collect ideas for the book content.
  • Create an outline.
  • Expand the outline.
  • Developmental Editing
  • Copy Editing
  • Proofreading.
  • Formatting.
  • Final reviews and edits.
  • Submit for publishing
  • Marketing (which we will encourage you to start at the beginning of the book journey).

Your book journey may look a little different, though these are the main steps.

Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon can help you with your book journey from where you are in the process now.

Maybe you are at step one or you could be ready for editing and formatting,

Let’s discuss.

Book Journey Offers

Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon can help you in various ways, including a retainer to take the journey with you.

Publishing Sales Machine

A great path for you could be their Publishing Sales Machine where they combine creating a book, a continuity program, and sales during the development process.

The main idea is that the content that would go into a book can also go into an online course or program as well as be used for marketing to boost your authority and attract clients and sales.

Betty and Greg offer a low-cost workshop program as well as a personal retainer.

Publishing, Marketing, and Membership Sales Machine ~ Great for Authors!

When clients ask us to help them write and publish a book, we suggest also creating a course and starting the marketing early on the journey.

If clients start with creating an online course or membership, we ask if they have considered writing a book.

And of course, we suggest starting the marketing right away!

We often suggest to clients who want pure marketing services that they consider writing a book and creating a course.

Leveraging Content Immediately

In most cases, the content that goes into a non-fiction book can also be used for an online course and in marketing campaigns to create buzz.

Group Workshops and Presentations ~ More Appealing than AI Content and Marketing

Your content can also be used for workshops and presentations, both to create interest and as part of a paid membership program.

We think it is important to do live presentations and workshops with time for group discussion and questions to stand out from the rising flood of AI content and marketing.

People will pay to engage with you.

Your Membership Continuity Program

There are many advantages to creating a monthly membership program rather than an online course:

  • A great way to test if there is interest in your subject matter.
    If people do not try the membership for something like $1 for the first month, there may not be an interest in the book or course as presented. Back to planning.
  • You can test the content and get valuable feedback. Weekly group training sessions are fabulous for this.
  • You can start generating revenue early to fund the development of the book and online.
  • The content presented weekly can be used for marketing.
  • More people will subscribe to a low-cost subscription than a higher-priced course. You can create stand-alone courses out of the membership content later.
  • Ongoing subscription revenue can grow considerably.
    $20 a month starts looking quite substantial when you grow to have thousands of subscribers. And your only subscription could be higher.
    $97 is quite common.

The Publishing, Marketing, and Membership Sales Machine

Here it is in a nutshell:

  • Create an outline for your content
  • Create a title, description, and first sections
  • Create a landing page for people to sign up for a mailing list.
  • Establish a membership area using a platform such as Kartra (we can provide those components).
  • Plan to create content for a section in your outline each week.
  • Present that content in an online workshop each week. You can offer the workshop for free, with supporting resources and recordings going into the paid membership area.
  • Offer the monthly subscription at a low trial rate for the first month.
  • Continue until the book and program are completed and published.
  • Start the next book and program.

Our Publishing Sales Machine Retainer

We also offer a monthly retainer to help you implement all the steps of your Publishing, Marketing, and Membership Sales Machine.

Our goal is to generate revenues as early as possible to pay for the retainer.

$540 per month until cancelled

Meanwhile, book an appointment with us to learn more.

Our Publishing Sales Machine Membership Program

Walking our talk, we will offer a membership and workshop series to teach you how to implement the Publishing, Marketing, and Membership Sales Machine yourself.

Copywriting and Multimedia Marketing for Your Creative Abundance

Both Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon have done a lot of writing for an amazing range of projects. Whatever is needed to get the job done.

Betty’s niche of choice is helping writers create their books and longer-form writing projects.

Greg has a lot of experience with various kinds of copywriting for training and marketing.

Betty Withrow often says that the time to start marketing your book is when you decide to start writing it.

The same is true of courses, memberships, and other creations.


While almost everything humans create and communicate involves words (writing), the kinds of copywriting we do include:

  • Blog Posts
  • Emails
  • Newsletters
  • Social Media Posts
  • Presentations
  • Networking Introductions
  • Training
  • Demonstrations
  • Product Descriptions
  • Landing Pages
  • Video Scripts
  • Chat Scripts
  • Songs
  • Audio Books

Multimedia Components

With the exception of text-only emails, virtually all writing for marketing is combined with media such as an image, video, or audio.

Text and media work together for the greatest impact.

Even blog posts like this use an image to display when shared on social media.

Integrated Marketing

Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon include copywriting and multimedia with the projects we do for clients.

Greg Dixon offers two comprehensive retainers.

One is a monthly retainer to do whatever is needed for your success until cancelled. That could include the Golden Publishing Sales Machine.

The other is a one-and-done deal to implement something like the Publishing Cash Machine one time.

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