Help with Video, Marketing, Publishing, and Story Productions

Category: Multimedia

Add a Digital Experience Edition to Your Journey ~ Make Sales!

A Digital Experience Edition is for you if ANY of these apply to you:

  • You plan to publish a print book.
  • Your current books could use a boost in attention and sales.
  • You have multimedia content that could be made into books.
  • A course or membership program would fit your content.
  • You have stories to share!

What is a Digital Experience Edition?

A Digital Experience Edition is a structured collection of multimedia elements made available in a content portal.

Access to different parts of the content can be restricted by access levels.

What are the Benefits of a Digital Experience Edition?

Here are some of the advantages over printed books alone:

  • You can test your content early in the process by giving trusted reviewers access.
  • Videos, audio readings, downloads, exercises, and other elements can create a great experience for the reader.
  • You can start selling and marketing the Digital Experience Edition early in the Book Journey process.

Examples of Digital Experience Editions

Here are video tours of different uses for the Digital Experience Edition.

Tales from the Turkey Table by Bill Allman

This is a full-on Publishing Journey including a Digital Experience Edition, Paperback, and Kindle version.

The Rocket Norton Vault

This is a collection of most of musician and writer Rocket Norton‘s lifetime creative output, including books, recordings, videos, photos, and courses,

The Digital Experience Edition with Marketing Success Playbook

This package is for you if you have books, courses or other content that would go well in a Digital Experience Edition.


  • Organizing your content into a Digitial Experience Edition.
  • Sales Landing Page.
  • Marketing Success Roadmap.
  • Launch Marketing.
  • Ongoing Content Expansion and Marketing Support.

$488 for the first month, plus $188 per month for ongoing hosting and marketing support.

We meet weekly to prioritize actions.

If you want the Complete Book Journey with the Digital Experience Edition, published books, and comprehensive marketing, the Publishing Sales Machine may be for you.

What is the Publishing Sales Machine?

We combine the content collected during the book development process to create a Digital Experience Edition, Marketing Assets, and Sales on the journey to publishing the print editions.

This makes the Book Journey fun and profitable early in the process.

Is the Publishing Sales Machine Right for You?

Let’s chat.

Copywriting and Multimedia Marketing for Your Creative Abundance

Both Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon have done a lot of writing for an amazing range of projects. Whatever is needed to get the job done.

Betty’s niche of choice is helping writers create their books and longer-form writing projects.

Greg has a lot of experience with various kinds of copywriting for training and marketing.

Betty Withrow often says that the time to start marketing your book is when you decide to start writing it.

The same is true of courses, memberships, and other creations.


While almost everything humans create and communicate involves words (writing), the kinds of copywriting we do include:

  • Blog Posts
  • Emails
  • Newsletters
  • Social Media Posts
  • Presentations
  • Networking Introductions
  • Training
  • Demonstrations
  • Product Descriptions
  • Landing Pages
  • Video Scripts
  • Chat Scripts
  • Songs
  • Audio Books

Multimedia Components

With the exception of text-only emails, virtually all writing for marketing is combined with media such as an image, video, or audio.

Text and media work together for the greatest impact.

Even blog posts like this use an image to display when shared on social media.

Integrated Marketing

Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon include copywriting and multimedia with the projects we do for clients.

Greg Dixon offers two comprehensive retainers.

One is a monthly retainer to do whatever is needed for your success until cancelled. That could include the Golden Publishing Sales Machine.

The other is a one-and-done deal to implement something like the Publishing Cash Machine one time.